Dark Souls 2 How To Unlock More Spell Slots

1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3. I'm guessing I have to go back to the starting point and take the stairs down?

Level up the attunement attribute and the spell slot to get one spell slot initially. Attunement determines the number of spell slots the player has available to equip spells, and also increases the 7 May 2014 Level up attunement.0 quote quick quote mikeis9000 unwashed heathen(guest) Sep 21, 12 at 7:30pm ^ re:Raise the Attunement stat.Get among gains in commanders to they.Attunement Slots Attunement Attunement Slots Attunement Information & Notes Join the page discussion Tired of anon posting?Dark Souls

How to get attunement slots in dark souls 2

35070: Sane..

Apr 29, 2014  So, my question for you all is what build would give me the max number of attunement slots? If I can figure out the max, then I'll know how many of each spell to get and can ignore them in later playthroughs. EDIT: Currently the max I've discovered is 14 with 75 Attunement, the Southern Ritual Band +2, and the Black Witch's Hat. (Thanks kalsbkeo).

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In addition to these, raising Attunement also.. Prepare To Attunement slots wtf? : DarkSouls2

  1. By 'easier' I mean you might not die as much 0 quote quick quote Gixxerdude not-such-a-newbie total posts:
  2. Dark souls how to use magicmeh.
  3. DJackson91 (Topic Creator)7 years ago#4 You say your next is at 19, how do you know that?
  4. Have 12 Intelligence, become infested with an egg by an egg bearer (the name escapes me) in either Blighttown before the boss fight, or in Demon Ruins, and allow the egg to hatch.
  5. Dark Souls 2 Wiki Guide:

Next is 29 (or what ever) and it either increases or it doesn't

  1. Darksouls Posts 1 Posted by u/bosma014 5 years ago Archived Explain it to me like I'm a two year old Ok, I'm somewhat of a noob, but I am a pretty experienced gamer.
  2. 10 Apr 2018 21:54 Edit Rate (0) Tags History Files Print Site tools + Options Edit Sections Append Edit Meta Watchers Backlinks Page Source Parent Lock Page Rename Delete Help | Terms of Service | Privacy | Report a bug | Flag as objectionable Powered by Wikidot.com Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License Other interesting sites ISEG TI T12 The Book Thief By Markus Zusak Fourth Wall Games Captain Barefoot The naturist guide to the Greek Islands Click here to edit contents of this page.20 & 30 are the softcaps for attunement slots; recommended value for 23 May 2016 Attunement is a character attribute in Dark Souls 3 that determines the number of attunement slots or amount of spells you can carry at the same time, and also raises Focus Points.
  3. I'm not sure at what point between 50 and 60 it swapped to 3.
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  5. Reply Replies (0) 0 +1 7 -1 Submit Anonymous 25 Jul 2017 00:25 Does getting same spell make it stronger in any way just by having it?

Leveling up the Attunement stat will give you extra spell uses

Probably under the 75 mark. Oasisbeyond 4 years ago#1 I'm level 12 faith, went to bonfire and nothing..: darksouls - Reddit How important is Pyromancy Flame and Attunement slots in PvP How many attunement slots is good for pvp pyromancy? Pokerstars Romania Telefon

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Darkmoon Seance Ring which grant more Attunement slot by 1.First attunement slots dark souls 2. Why it took me 10 hours to realize this I don't know..Put at least 16 points Strength so you can get the dragon sword and start one shotting most mobs very early on.

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Attunement Slots. 'Select slots to attune magic' quote LibraStone Thanks for the help..I figured it out and beat the asylum demon, but now I'm in an area where every path results in instant death. How to attune spells dark souls 2 Are Gambling Pools Legal

  • By 'easier' I mean you might not die as much 0 quote quick quote Gixxerdude not-such-a-newbie total posts:
  • By 'easier' I mean you might not die as much is that through the graveyard and catacombs?or is there another path up the tower i missed?And my fire spells did not affect the ghost girlies either -------------------quote SirLagsALot The 10% of the time that I'm not right is against sword in lyloWho is Parki222 ?General InformationEdit
  • Sterling Follow Forum Posts:
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  • Attunement Slots Edit 5 1 … Edit Rename Redirect History Lock Unlock Access Javascript Tags Clear Page Cache Clear Comments Cache Notify Backlinks New Template Templates Delete Character Information / Stats + Attunement Attunement Slots 0-9 0 10-11 1 12-13 2 14-15 3 16-18 4 19-22 5 23-27 6 28-33 7 34-40 8 41-49 9 50-99 10 Attunement Information & Notes Increases the number of Attunement Slots available for Pyromancies , Sorceries , and Miracles .Jan 2004 Sep 21, 12 at 9:17pm ^ re:

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Bountiful Sunlight , Chaos Fire Whip , Chaos Storm , Great Chaos Fireball , Soothing Sunlight , Sunlight Spear , Pursuers and Vow of Silence require two attunement slots each.Dark Souls 2, any advice would be much appreciated. Alternatively, there are two magic rings 29 Apr 2014 my character is a bit dim and has low int, but i have 6 attunement slots yet when i go to attune my spells it says 'not enough attunement slots'. Empire Casino Icon Bar

Insufficient attunement slots? #3 < > Showing 1-3 of 3 comments Per page:Prepare To Attunement slots wtf?

Pages Missing Data Dark Souls II: Saint's Hood, Hexer's Hood and Northern Ritual Band all work in the same way. Jan 2012 Jan 16, 12 at 6:13pm ^ re:

  • Could someone let me know what, if any, items raise the amount of uses I can get Northern ritual bands add attunement slots but reduce HP.
  • How do you get attunement slot?Is this a bug or is there a secondary requirement?
  • #2 Toxo View Profile View Posts 29 Apr, 2014 @ 12:06pm Are you sure, that you have 6 Attunement Slots?
  • Thanks alot, that was extremly helpfull though!0 Attunement Slots below 10 Attunement.

Its effect is double that of Intelligence or Faith . ShareSaveCommunity Details r/darksouls 182k Subscribers 1.2k Online A community dedicated to Dark Souls I, game released for PC, PlayStation 3 and 4, Xbox 360 and One.Prepare To Die Edition > General Discussions > Topic Details Date Posted:

Bountiful Sunlight , Chaos Fire Whip , Chaos Storm , Great Chaos Fireball , Soothing Sunlight , Sunlight Spear , Pursuers and Vow of Silence require two attunement slots each.Get attunement slots dark souls 2. 26 Aug 2016 09:37 FP regain with higher att or not ? SilverSaint Follow Forum Posts:

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  1. 3 Dec 2016 Dark Souls 2 Wiki Guide:
  2. But I can't use it.'Select slots to attune magic' - Dark Souls Forum - Neoseeker Forums
  3. Create your own and start something epic.
  4. WilsonSame key you press to use items.
  5. 26 Nov 2012 By increasing the Attunement stat (at 14 or so you get an additional slot, and so on and so forth).
  6. Modifiers The Darkmoon Seance Ring and White Seance Ring each grant one additional attunement slot, and can be worn simultaneously.
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Number of attunement slots for spells

  1. Attunement - DarkSouls II Wiki How do you get attunement slot?
  2. 16-19 3.
  3. Why do you get attunement slots if it only allows you 1 kind of spell at a time.
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  5. Anyway, glad you found your answer!

Attunement slot dark souls 2

ShareSave level 2 N3ss3 -2 points · 5 years ago This is his problem as his attunement is only 10? 4 #14 Edited by Sterling (4134 posts) - 4 years, 4 months ago @violegrace :Attunement determines the number of spell slots the player has available to equip spells, and also increases the Mar 23, 2017 Because not all of my spells/miracles increased when this one did at 14.

2 Followed by: Dec 2001 Oct 5, 11 at 7:01pm ^ re:Attunement slots:

29 Apr, 2014 @ 12:04pmPosts: View/set parent page (used for creating breadcrumbs and structured layout).

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  • But I guess if you are going to end up playing to NG+++ or something that is feasible.
  • Prepare To How do i get extra spell slots?Dark Souls' spell system is a bit complex, but it all comes down to attuning magic.
  • I'm primarily a warrior build, but decided to buy a sorcerer's catalyst and soul arrow to help myself out incase I need to do a bit of ranged damage.
  • - Dark Souls II Message Board for Attunement | Dark Souls 2 Wiki Attunement | Dark Souls 3 Wiki Attunement (Dark Souls II) | Dark Souls Wiki | FANDOM powered by ATN Slots, How to get?my faith is 14, says nothing about intelligence as a needed stat.
  • Asked 4 years, 3 months ago viewed 86,665 times active 4 years ago Linked 1 Dark Souls 2 offensive miracles - Are they worth it?
  • For Dark Souls on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'How do Attunement slots work?'.Dark souls 2 magic slots.

Providing you have 10 attunement, you'll have an attunement slot available to you into which a spell can be equipped. After 35 Attunement you recieve only 2-4 Focus Points per point of Attunement until the hard cap at 99.

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Each attuned magic has a limited number of uses that can be restored by resting at a bonfire . Prepare To Die Edition > General Discussions > Topic Details Date Posted:

1 May 2018 Increases the number of Attunement Slots available for Pyromancies, Sorceries, and Miracles. 0 #16 Posted by VioleGrace (106 posts) - 4 years, 4 months ago Ummm i tried turning my attunement to 50 and i still only have 2 uses of soul geyser , maybe it needs even more then Sterling Follow Forum Posts:

4863 Followed by: Attunement determines the number of spell slots the player has available to equip spells, and also increases the 7 May 2014 Level up attunement.

Insufficient attunement slots dark souls

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Neoseeker Forums PS3 Games Dark Souls. Attunement | Dark Souls 3 Wiki Attunement Slots | Dark Souls Wiki Attunement - Dark Souls Wiki Attunement - DarkSouls II Wiki Attunement Slots - Darksouls3 - Dark Souls III Wiki - Wikidot how do i get magic attunement slots? Online Casino Flushing : DarkSouls2So, my question for you all is what build would give me the max number of attunement slots?

quot;Select slots to attune magic' Options:

Dark Souls 2 How To Unlock More Spell Slots
  • 'Select slots to attune magic' quote mikeis9000 where is the easiest way to buy flame magic/There are a few way to get a Pyromancy Flame:1.
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Attunement and max spell uses VioleGrace Follow Forum Posts: 2 Collosal difference between FPS in Dark Souls II and Dark Souls III 4 Is there any other purpose for boss souls in Dark Souls 2?

There should now be a remove spell option at the bottom of the screen. Dark souls 1 attunement slots

You have a certain amount of You can also slot spells in multiple attunement slots (given you have the slots). Dark souls faith

10497neopoints: Depending on what branch of magic you want to focus on and how many spell slots you need.

Which makes me think you have to take it to 99 to get the final tier for max casts

12 Dec 2016 Icon, In-Game Description. Football Manager..- Dark Souls II Message Board for Attunement - DarkSouls II Wiki - Dark Souls 2 Wikidot Attunement | Dark Souls 2 Wiki ATN Slots, How to get?

ShareSave level 3 spacemanticore Romanticore-1 points · 5 years ago That means he has exactly one attunement slot. Not only that you get 10 slots open.

Dark Souls 2 How To Get More Spell Slots

- Dark Souls Message Board Insufficient attunement slots? 10497neopoints:Attunement Slots Edit 5 1 … Edit Rename Redirect History Lock Unlock Access Javascript Tags Clear Page Cache Clear Comments Cache Notify Backlinks New Template Templates Delete Character Information / Stats + Attunement Attunement Slots 0-9 0 10-11 1 12-13 2 14-15 3 16-18 4 19-22 5 23-27 6 28-33 7 34-40 8 41-49 9 50-99 10 Attunement Information & Notes Increases the number of Attunement Slots available for Pyromancies , Sorceries , and Miracles .

Walkthrough, armor, strategies, maps, rings, bosses, items and more.You must own at least one spell; any sorcery, miracle, or pyromancy will do. Editing Recent Changes Changes Needed Sandbox (Test Page) Sitemap Attunement Dark Souls II Wiki » Stats » Attunement Fold Unfold Table of Contents In-Game Description Use Attunement Slots Equipment which increase Attunement Slots Equipment which increase Spell Casts Equipment which restore Spell Casts Spell Casts In-Game Description Attribute governing number of spells that can be attuned.

What lvls are attunement slots gained Dark Souls II

Weapons, Walkthrough, armor, strategies, maps, Slightly increases HP for each point:If you have 3 slots, and one spell needs 1 attunement slot, than you'd have 2 left. - Dark Souls II Message Board for items that increase attunement slots besides ring and black with hat how do i get magic attunement slots?Slightly increases HP for each point: ' Attribute governing FP.How to increase attunement slots dark souls 2 day.

  1. 'Select slots to attune magic' Options:
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  3. Magic barrier, sunlight blade, heal, great heal, etc.).
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Also, 14 is the maximum: DARK SOULS™ II General Discussions how do i get magic attunement slots?

Darksouls Explain it to me like I'm a two year old 40490:

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How to get spell slots dark souls 2

And it has a list of numbers on top of each spell. It's easier and it's basically the beginners area.

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ShareSave level 2 Zarthus Original Poster 1 point · 4 years ago I couldn't find mention of such a key in the spell bindings. Us Poker Sites With Free Money No Deposit Editing Recent Changes Changes Needed Sandbox (Test Page) Sitemap Attunement Dark Souls II Wiki » Stats » Attunement Fold Unfold Table of Contents In-Game Description Use Attunement Slots Equipment which increase Attunement Slots Equipment which increase Spell Casts Equipment which restore Spell Casts Spell Casts In-Game Description Attribute governing number of spells that can be attuned.


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And I still have some that didn't increase by one even when this one increased by 2

DARK Unequip spell (remove spell from slot) :: Magic Weapon (and its variants) must be used on a right-hand weapon, and magic shield on a left-hand weapon.Sometimes when gaining a new attunment slot, if a spell is not acquired right away, the atunment slot may become unusable Join the page discussion Tired of anon posting?

General InformationEdit Attunement Edit 62 39 … Edit Rename Redirect History Lock Unlock Access Javascript Tags Clear Page Cache Clear Comments Cache Notify Backlinks New Template Templates Delete Character Information / Stats + Attunement is a character attribute in Dark Souls 3 that determines the number of attunement slots or amount of spells you can carry at the same time, and also raises Focus Points.And don't be afraid to sit and farm souls to help boost your vititaly and stamina to help make things a little easier.

How to Get 1 Million Souls. Which is what I think is happening, if not i'm sorry I don't know.'Select slots to attune magic' Where do you get a Catalyst from?

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  1. (Thanks kalsbkeo ) 2 comments share save hide 100% Upvoted This thread is archivedNew comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castSort bybestbest top new controversial old q&a level 1 kalasbkeo 2 points · 4 years ago I believe the witch's hat also increase attunement slots by one, making the maximum amount of slots 14.
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  3. [PC, Keyboard & Mouse Attunement Level, Spell Slots Available.
  4. 71 Wiki Points:
  5. 25-29, 5.
  6. Try equipping one of these in your right or left hand and then attack with the weapon.
  7. 'Select slots to attune magic' To SixJL:

Reply Replies (0) 2 +1 2 -1 Submit Anonymous Should add a FP regain

  1. (pre-SotFS) This table needs to be updated to reflect the current patch version and/or SotFS edition.
  2. DarkSouls2 Posts 6 Posted by u/Zarthus 4 years ago Archived How do I remove a spell from my attunement?
  3. Invite a friend!
  4. Stats Add category Cancel Save Fan Feed More Dark Souls Wiki 1 Gwyn, Lord of Cinder 2 Boss (Dark Souls III) 3 Knight Artorias Explore Wikis Glitchtale Wiki Tokyo Ghoul:RE Wiki Westworld Wiki Games Movies TV Explore Wikis Follow Us Overview About Careers Press Contact Terms of Use Privacy Policy Global Sitemap Local Sitemap Community Community Central Support Fan Contributor Program WAM Score Help Can't find a community you love?If so, press your key for Function 1.
  5. While there are two spells (with 1 cast each) that does not increase in casts (you can use equipment to gain more casts of these though).

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Darksouls2 wiki I may have to go see if I can find some more soul vessels to do some testing with this more.

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19-22, 5 Increases the number of Attunement Slots available for You can also slot spells in multiple attunement slots (given you have the slots). Ritual Band is a spell slot increase ring in Dark Souls 2.+ Distinguish Spells - Hide Spells 1 Cast Spells 2 Cast Spells 3 Cast Spells 4 Cast Spells 5 Cast Spells 6 Cast Spells 8 Cast Spells 10 Cast Spells 15 Cast Spells 20 Cast Spells 30 Cast Spells Crystal Magic Weapon Acid Surge (b) Climax Blinding Bolt Heavenly Thunder Great Combustion Affinity Combustion (b) Great Soul Arrow Dark Orb Soul Arrow Denial (b) Bountiful Sunlight (b) Darkstorm Yearn Dark Hail Great Heavy Soul Arrow (b) Repel Heavy Soul Arrow Forbidden Sun Chaos Storm (a) Great Fireball Cast Light Fireball Chameleon Resonant Soul Great Heal Excerpt Crystal Soul Spear (a) Great Heal Dark Fog Great Resonant Soul Dead Again Twisted Barricade Great Magic Barrier Fire Tempest (b) Great Magic Weapon Dark Weapon Heavy Homing Soul Arrow Fall Control Homeward (b) Flame Swathe (b) Heal Emit Force (b) Immolation Force Profound Still Great Chaos Fireball (b) Homing Crystal Soulmass Fire Orb Magic Weapon Guidance Soul Geyser Great Lightning Spear (c) Lifedrain Patch Fire Whip Unveil Hidden Weapon Sunlight Blade Iron Flesh (a) Lightning Spear (b) Firestorm Perseverance Homing Soul Arrow Unleash Magic Magic Barrier (b) Numbness Flame Weapon Caressing Prayer Hush Wrath of the Gods Med Heal (a) Sacred Oath Flash Sweat Outcry (b) Poison Mist (b) Shockwave Homing Soulmass Repair (a) Soul Bolt Lingering Flame Replenishment Soul Greatsword Scraps of Life Resonant Flesh (a) Soul Spear Barrage Soul Appease Resonant Weapon (b) Toxic Mist Soul Shower Resplendent Life (b) Dance of Fire Soul Vortex Soothing Sunlight (a) Strong Magic Shield Soul Spear (b) Warmth Sunlight Spear (d) Whisper of Despair (b) Fire Snake (a) page revision:

- Arqade Attunement and max spell uses - Dark Souls II - Giant Bomb Max Number of Attunement Slots?3 Dec 2016 Attunement is an attribute governing number of spells that can be attuned. 75 attunement (10), southern ritual band +2 (3), and black witch hat (1) #7 < > Showing 1-7 of 7 comments Per page: Normas Juego De Poker

  • 37780:
  • :/ Reply Replies (2) 5 +1 1 -1 Submit ZoLatKam Attunement [DKS3 Wiki] 15 Aug 2017 04:54 This reply is only here to, hopefully, remove previous poster's irritating &quot;AAAAAA..&quot; comment which does not &quot;word wrap&quot; {stay contained in the sidebar} &amp; instead overlaps main page/reading area.
  • This topic is locked from further discussion.
  • - Arqade Attunement (Dark Souls II) | Dark Souls Wiki | FANDOM powered by Attunement and max spell uses - Dark Souls II - Giant Bomb Rings/Armor That Increases Uses of Spells?I have looked at youtube, and read posts on here, and it is not showing up when I go to a bonfire.
  • VioleGrace Follow Forum Posts:
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Dec 2009 Dec 30, 11 at 12:16pm ^ re:

The table below shows how many casts become available with increased Attunement ('-' is used to indicate no increase from previous cast amount).Going beyond 35 is not fp efficient since sorcerers need about 10 levels to be able to cast an extra soul spear. Browse other questions tagged dark-souls-2 or ask your own question .Increases Curse Resist alongside with Adaptability .dark souls 3 attunement milestonesdark souls 2 attunement ring Big Bend Indian Casino You'd probably at this point be wondering how on earth you manage to cast the spell you've equipped, and you'd not be alone in being confused by this process.non-Dex casters'll be casting at a -normal- speed, while Dex casters will be slightly faster, so their spells can keep up with their usual, quicker actions Reply Replies (2) 11 +1 5 -1 Submit Anonymous Attunement slots 08 Apr 2016 16:15 If you start as deprived you can have three attunement slots for pyromancies before even reaching level ten and being invadable.

  1. Reply Replies (2) 3 +1 2 -1 Submit Anonymous 18!
  2. But the reality is that it's just a bonus meant to reflect the nimble play style of a Dex character.In other words, they're looking at it backwards.It's not:
  3. Attunement determines the number of spell slots the player has available to equip spells, and also increases the 23 Mar 2017 Attunement Slots.
  4. 0 quote quick quote sword_of_omens You gotta pay the troll toll..Carbon Watch Dogs Featured Forums Assassin's Creed III Assassin's Creed IV:..
  5. Nov 26, 2012 @ 5:41pm.

I have 3 slots, all using the same thing, lightning bolt. Slots Dark Souls 2 Attunement.

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You don't get your first slot until you have 8 ATT iirc. Geant Casino Prospectus Is there a way to increase these besides using restorative items like rouge water?

A community dedicated to everything about Dark Souls 3. ShareSave level 2 Dr_Monkee Original Poster 2 points · 2 years ago Ahh its 6. Niagara Falls Canada Poker Tournaments

Stats Add category Cancel Save Fan Feed More Dark Souls Wiki 1 Gwyn, Lord of Cinder 2 Boss (Dark Souls III) 3 Knight Artorias Explore Wikis Glitchtale Wiki Tokyo Ghoul:RE Wiki Westworld Wiki Games Movies TV Explore Wikis Follow Us Overview About Careers Press Contact Terms of Use Privacy Policy Global Sitemap Local Sitemap Community Community Central Support Fan Contributor Program WAM Score Help Can't find a community you love? The White Seance Ring which grant more Attunement slot by 1.

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Darkmoon Seance Ring which grant more Attunement slot by 1. Related:

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25-29, 5. (Thanks kalsbkeo ) 2 comments share save hide 100% Upvoted This thread is archivedNew comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castSort bybestbest top new controversial old q&a level 1 kalasbkeo 2 points · 4 years ago I believe the witch's hat also increase attunement slots by one, making the maximum amount of slots 14.

I'm doing a cross between dex and magic/pyro and I have 6 slots. - Dark Souls Message Board for PlayStation 3 - GameFAQs

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